
lørdag 26. september 2015

Thank You!


Thank you all for your lovely comments!

torsdag 24. september 2015




If someone still visits Draumesidene?
Have a nice autumn!

søndag 14. juni 2015

K I T C H E N in june

Ingenting som minner om sommar ute...
Nysnøv i dei høgste toppane...

Men det er juni, uansett


O L D table

My old table with lovely things...
Svarte dekketallerkener i tre og farga glas frå 
Cornelias Hus, Tr.Heim,


torsdag 4. juni 2015

O R A N G E S in the sun


Pretending the sun is shining...

mandag 1. juni 2015

P I C T U R E S from may

My computer took a vacation some weeks ago...
Today I have managed with good help from a male-hero, to remove
all the viruses. Feels great! I guess many of you have seen these pictures on instagram, but not all of you. So here is some of my pictures! 

Enjoy J U N E!


torsdag 30. april 2015

S P R I N G party

The weather turned around this evening. From amazing sun earlier, to snow and rain...
But I have a great time inside the house! Pretending that spring is just nice days...


tirsdag 28. april 2015

P A L M trees in my kitchen

As usual; I fall in love with things I find special?
And to have my own palm trees is fantastic...
Perfect view when daydreaming...


mandag 27. april 2015

E V E N I N G - sun

Some pictures from upstairs this evening... The sun is
flowing in before taking a nap in the ocean...
It`s so beautiful...


lørdag 25. april 2015


I`m celebrating my picture nr. 1000 on Instagram this evening.
I have asked viewers to write their IG-favourites.
I love to fint new accounts!

I will also thank all my readers of Draumesidene for stopping by.
And for all positive comments here and on FB! :)


torsdag 23. april 2015

F O R M Y G I R L ...

She`s so sweet... And deserves a room to dream in...
Sweet fifteen...

This is for you my love!


søndag 19. april 2015

S U M M E R in sight...

It`s time to change from winther-mood to summer...
Time flies...

I am determined to enjoy every minute of life, the flowers, the sound of the sea, the light ♥

So even though I have to stay in on a sunny day,
and cough all the time...

I`m looking foreward to the days, weeks and moths to come...


lørdag 18. april 2015

B O H O -bedroom

My BOHO-bedroom...

Feels great just to lay in bed, daydream and 
long to summer...

LOVE it...


fredag 17. april 2015

S U N & spring...

After a week with fever and a close realtinonship with my bed,
it feels extra great when it stops raining, the fog drifts out of my fjord, and the sun flows into the house... And when I manage to walk around without feeling I`m gonna fall... Just like magic...

I had to create something,
ofcourse. So allthough I`m coughing a lot,
and get tired out of nothing,
I managed to blog!


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


tirsdag 14. april 2015

Y O U give me fever...

Second floor between the bedrooms

Some pictures of an area never shown on my blog before...
Painted yeasterday, not quite finished, but today I have stayed in bed with fever. I guess the remaining work will wait for me! 


mandag 13. april 2015

T H A N X . . .


Have a wonderful week!